
Colour Alert Update (Tableau Quick Tip)

Hot off the back of the Tableau Conference 2017 in Las Vegas (#data17), I discover that one of Andy Kriebel’s tips on his Tableau Speed Tipping Rematch with Jeff Shaffer makes creating a stepped colour scheme with a colour alert even easier! Again, this tip only works for a discrete field (although I have also… Continue reading Colour Alert Update (Tableau Quick Tip)


How I created a stepped colour scheme with a colour alert in Tableau (using a discrete colour palette)

You may have read my previous post on creating a stepped colour scheme with a colour alert for a continuous field, but then realized that you have a discrete field (and it breaks the view when you try and change it to continuous!) and wondered how to achieve the same result with a discrete field.… Continue reading How I created a stepped colour scheme with a colour alert in Tableau (using a discrete colour palette)