
Automating Excel Pivot Tables with Alteryx Batch Macros and Server

What were you trying to do? Automate Excel pivot tables. I had a table of data, and from it an Excel-generated pivot table. The pivot table was sorted to show client rankings for different combinations of factors. The factors were changed manually, and the ranking for each client was output to a formatted spreadsheet for… Continue reading Automating Excel Pivot Tables with Alteryx Batch Macros and Server


2 Quicktips for Handling Large Alteryx Workflows

Enable the Overview setting in the View toolbar (or hit Ctrl+Alt+V) and a tiny version of your workflow will appear at the bottom of your configuration window. As you move around the workflow, a little highlight box moves around the Overview pane showing where in the workflow you are. You can also click and drag… Continue reading 2 Quicktips for Handling Large Alteryx Workflows